What is 100% Real with Teresa? (click below to view)


Please share your experience with us


Are you old school

5 Biggest things I learnt over the last 3 years

Bringing the best out in your clients

Having High Expectations

Building your holistic dream

Taking back "You"

A Fresh  New start to 2023

Integral Biology

Rescuing yourself

So what about Christmas

Ayurveda for Women's Health

Being an Empath in today's world

Your future self

Why I chose to teach Indian Head Massage

What reflexologists want in their life with Sally Popper

In this episode we learn what reflexologists want in their life. They want to make clients feel nurtured, safe and healthy and they enjoy having work-life balance.

Zooming in to Positivity

Homelife/work/course Balance

How to deal with stress

Striving to be excellent at what you do

Medicine verses Complementary

Why I chose to teach ITEC Reflexology

Seeking Clarity

Why I chose to teach ITEC Holistic Massage

Work/Course Balance

Nuturing your Inner Beauty

Radical Healing

So many growing questions around health

Ear Candles - Do they work?

Thai Foot Massage for all Practitioners

Advanced Reflexology for all Reflexologists

Why I brought a Vizsla within 48 hours before Xmas

Do Thermal Stones Really Work?

Communicating with our clients

Lets talk about Money

It is all part of a Bigger Plan

How can we finish 2021 strong

Tips to stay calm and productive

So where has 2021 gone?

Meditation - 3 different ways to use it

Go with the flow

Happiness is the Way - Dr Wayne Dyer

Giving Love Only

Sandy Tanner - Mind Detox Practitioner

The weird and wonderful things I do

This is the moment I take my power back

Reframing your negative thoughts

Start Leading Your Clients

Rest in Peace Dad

Conversations with Chakras

Advancing your Relationships

How to achieve more Happiness

What you are (and not) responsible for

How to care for you and others

Sleep routines

Sensitive - honestly revealing

How to make things happen

Top Triggers for Water and Movement

The Gold is You!

Don't Dim Your Light

Believe in yourself, love who you are

Four simple techniques to enhance your behaviour

Cameron Reid - Osteopath interview

Have boundaries to help yourself

Confidence Strategies

Conversations with God

Idea sparked a business for Caroline Sedman

In this episode we learn how a massage treatment, exercise routine, homecare and mindset can help nurture your body to better health.  

If you are not actively digging deep to enhance your life, researching to find better ways of living, having treatments, doing self care.  You are cheating yourself and your family to a more healthier life.

Kalmology Therapies - Interview

How to deal with jealousy

Heart Centered Growth

It Doesn't Need to be Difficult

This was life changing for me

Love languages between humans and horses

Mastering 2021 - Part 1

High Vibration - 5 Steps to Gratitude - Part 4

High Vibration - Find your Accountability Buddy - Part 3

Staying in a High Vibration - Part 2

Staying in a High Vibration - Part 1

Letting go of drama - Part 19

5 Tips for Returning Back to Work - Part 18

Don't Put Your Life On Hold - Part 17

Re-entry Anxiety for Clients and Therapists - Part 16

How to Prioritise - Part 15

High Vibration - Part 14

teresarich.com podcast

Preparing to return - Part 13

Love - Part 12

Energy Shift - Part 11

Value your time - Part 10


Caring for an Elder - Part 9

Pivoting - Part 8

Coping with your family while working from home - Part 7

Take responsibility and quickly - Part 6


Don't isolate even when staying at home - Part 5

Letting go of the old - Part 4

Plan B - Having a back up plan - Part 3

Choices verses Fear based Coronavirus - Part 2

The Solution to Fear based Coronavirus - Part 1

6 - Reiki Master Practitioner - Jenny Helliker

Jenny Helliker gives simple examples of how Reiki can enhance your life.

5 - Gong Baths with Scania Price

Scania Price creates a sacred space through the use of Gong Baths.  You too can learn how to attune your energy.

4 - Lifestyle and environmental choices with Andrea Kurkowski

In this episode we learn all about the routines you create for yourself, not excuses.

3 - Balancing home schooling, caring and mobile therapist with Ginny Williams

In this episode we learn how Ginny is able to home school two of her children and devote her time to running a successful reflexology business.

2 - What reflexologists want in their life with Sally Popper

In this episode we learn what reflexologists want in their life. They want to make clients feel nurtured, safe and healthy and they enjoy having work-life balance.